The Republican Youtube Debate
Question: How would you improve the image of America in the Muslim world?
Rudy Giuliani: Stay on offense.
John McCain: Continue the surge.
Duncan Hunter: I will never apologize for America.
And there you have it.
Question: Is waterboarding torture?
Romney: It's not my place to say. I'm against torture. But I think what happened to Khalid Sheik Muhammad should continue to happen.
McCain: I don't know how anyone could favor torture like waterboarding. [Good for McCain--ed.]
Question: What commitment will you make to the Iraqi people?
Ron Paul: The best thing we can do for the Iraqis is to give them their country back?... What we achieved in peace [vis-a-vis Vietnam] was unachievable in 20 years of French and American war? [Boos, hisses follow]
McCain: We never lost a battle in Vietnam. We lost because American public opinion made victory impossible. So, he's against torture but for stab-in-the-back mythology.
Question: Rudy Giuliani, is it true that your entire campaign is based on saying "September 11" over and over again?
Giuliani: Not at all. For example, I worked in the Reagan Justice Department to enforce an obscene double-standard viz. Cuban and Hatian immigration. [Not quite how he phrased it, and the rest of the answer wasn't bad, but that is, in fact, what he was claiming--ed.]
Question: I'm a retired special forces general. And I'm gay. Why do you think soldiers aren't professional enough to serve with gay men and women?
Hunter: You can't use Israel or Britain as an example, because Americans are conservative. Conservatives can't serve with gays because gays make them uncomfortable.
Romney [after Anderson Cooper pointed out that Romney once said he looked forward to the day when gays could serve openly]: Now is not that time. Because we're at war.
McCain: DADT works.
Question: What does the Confederate flag represent to you?
Romney [his circuits visibly frying]: I don't like John Edwards.