Math And Moore Don't Go Together
Via Instapundit, here's an excellent point about F9/11:
The movie Fahrenheit 9/11 asserts the children of US congressmen are under-represented in US forces in Iraq.
There are 300 million Americans; 130,000 US troops in Iraq; 535 congressmen and women; and at least five children of congressmen serving in Iraq.
Thirty seconds of intellectual effort shows that children of US congressmen are very over-represented in Iraq; but 30 seconds is way over the capacity of admirers of Fahrenheit 9/11.
Well, we've talked the considered talk on f911, but I will have to disagree with your cutting commentary. And so, in defense the capacity of admirers of f911: I would have to say that Moore's point goes beyond an equality of numbers. What he's trying to say (or at least the point I'm making now) is that those who sign the bill should be more than eager to send their sons to war, believing in the 'justice of the cause'. Having just finished the Song of Roland, perhaps I'm amidst a momentary overappreciation of ancient bravery, but Charlemagne's leading forces were all nobelman. Wither such traditons of bravery? If this really is a noble war of ideology and not cash, we should be seeing senators themselves lining up to lead batallions.
Sure, Moore doesn't say that fortunate sons are over-represented in Iraq, but still. His (or at least, my) point is no lie.
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