On C-SPAN right now, C-SPAN's Brian Lamb is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about C-SPAN's plans to broadcast committee hearings.
Whack fol me darn O, dance to your partner
Whirl the floor, your trotters shake
Wasn't it the truth I told you
Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake?!!!
...'Why' would Lamb "testify" about cspan 'plans' ??
Of course, he is in no way 'testifying' -- Lamb is "lobbying"
for permission to televise Congressional hearings.
Why is 'permission' needed to view/record a public government meeting ?
Who are the masters -- and just who are the public servants ?
Brian Lamb plays the Congressional 'game' completely by their self-serving 'rules' -- and he thinks he has bested them.
'...to rise in the world he carried a hod...'
I think this is an example of what I call "notional ekphrasis".
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