How Civil Wars Become Regional Wars
The Guardian reports:
Turkey and Iran have dispatched tanks, artillery and thousands of troops to their frontiers with Iraq during the past few weeks in what appears to be a coordinated effort to disrupt the activities of Kurdish rebel bases...It's over. Let's go home, please. (via Josh Marshall)
Frustrated by the reluctance of the US and the government in Baghdad to crack down on the PKK bases inside Iraq, Turkish generals have hinted they are considering a large-scale military operation across the border. They are said to be sharing intelligence about Kurdish rebel movements with their Iranian counterparts.
"We would not hesitate to take every kind of measures when our security is at stake," Abdullah Gul, the Turkish foreign minister, said last week.
It's been a regional war for some time now. Only by proxy.
Like the site, btw.
Sorry to be off-topic here. I tried but was unable to email Dan Koffler, who I assume is the writer of this Finnegans Wake blog, to ask about an archived piece here (when I clicked on Dan Koffler's name to email, it wouldn't work):
The question I have is about an older essay here -- "The Worst Half Hour In The History Of Television", in which was supplied a link to Govindi Murty:
"The guests were Govindi Murty, the co-founder of an anti-Cannes conservative film festival (who, incidentally, is both a Yalie and a hottie)..."
That link did not work. Could you please supply the original link again, in a reply to me here?
I would greatly appreciate it,
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