Broken Eggs
I'm still nose-deep in supervenience theory, so this will be brief.
The far-right wants to destroy the judiciary. Literally:
Not to be outdone, lawyer-author Edwin Vieira told the gathering that [Supreme Court Justice Anthony] Kennedy should be impeached because his philosophy, evidenced in his opinion striking down an anti-sodomy statute, "upholds Marxist, Leninist, satanic principles drawn from foreign law."Dana Milbank, probably in an effort to construe the events he was reporting on as somehow less indicative of psychopathy than they appear at first blush, includes the following unsupportable claim:
Ominously, Vieira continued by saying his "bottom line" for dealing with the Supreme Court comes from Joseph Stalin. "He had a slogan, and it worked very well for him, whenever he ran into difficulty: 'no man, no problem,'" Vieira said.
Presumably, Vieira had in mind something less extreme than Stalin did and was not actually advocating violence.Really? I don't see an atom of a reason for presuming anything.
And for the record, the event at which Vieira "was not actually advocating violence" (appearances to the contrary) was not a fringe happening. It was attended by such luminaries as:
two House members; aides to two senators; representatives from the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America; conservative activists Alan Keyes and Morton C. Blackwell; the lawyer for Terri Schiavo's parents; Alabama's "Ten Commandments" judge, Roy Mooreand also Phyllis Schlafly; and Tom Delay was supposed to be there but skipped town in order to attend the pope's funeral. [He was there in spirit--ed.]
UPDATE: Eric Muller thinks Vieira should be investigated. And he's got sound legal reasons, too.
But did they come from the Bible? No? Then not in Edwin Vieira's America, my friend.
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