Finnegans Wake
Whack fol me darn O, dance to your partner
Whirl the floor, your trotters shake
Wasn't it the truth I told you
Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake?!!!
Whack fol me darn O, dance to your partner
Whirl the floor, your trotters shake
Wasn't it the truth I told you
Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake?!!!
yup, very wrong. Hitler was a socialist, i.e. left-wing.
Right. That's exactly right. Oh wait, no, it's actually completely partisan and insane. Fuck you anonymous.
Wow, Nostradamus, what a profound and informative comment. You must post comments at the DailyKos and the Democratic Underground all the time.
Anonymous is right, however. Hitler was a big-time nationalistic-socialist that had alot more in common politically with Michael Moore than Ronald Reagan (though he wasn't as an extreme socialist as Stalin). As a matter of fact, Adolf admired the efforts of Roosevelt's New Deal before he pissed-off the world by going imperialistic. After all, the term 'Nazi' party was short for 'National Socialistic Party'.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see him dead, I only wish that he could have been dealt with sooner before he did so much horror.
Here's the facts to read up on: It's a great article and rather informative.
BTW, implying neo-pagan conservatives have anything in common with Hitler is just crazy. That'd be like implying all white Christians are racist because of the KKK. Pagan conservatives are generally libertarians, that is, we believe in captialism and the free-market while also believing in individual freedoms. But like many people's political views, not every pagan can be put in a box.
I hope that those on this blog would not judge us by our labels, or our worship of different gods, but as people who believe in values such as honor, loyalty and of course, right and wrong.
I'm sorry but the above objections aimed at my comment are almost too stupid to respond to. If you seriously believe in your your infantile conceptualization of the otherness of Gods and the convenient flexibility of your idea of 'the political specturm', how can one respond? The dice are, as they say, loaded. Hitler was a socialist? I'm still laughing. I have no interest in judging "pagans", only "morons".
You illiterate bigot fuck, go drown yourself. I am not ON THE LEFT.
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