And Down The Rabbit Hole We Go
Christ. At Guanatanamo Bay, as some of us have worried for some time, involvement with terrorism, indeed even minimal ascertainable culpability for something, is completely orthogonal to apprehension, detention, conditions of detention, and subjection to torture. The US government is operating a network of torture-dungeons that have long ceased to have the slightest thing to do with the euphonious GWOT, where detainees find themselves as a matter of titanically bad luck rather than guilt, and in which the policy of the jailers, handed down from their superiors in the executive branch, is to create incentives for giving false testimony against innocents. Why? As long as somebody is being tortured, somebody is confessing to something. QED America is safer. Whatsa matter pinko, you gotta problem with that?
It's time to call a spade a spade. The President, Vice President, and Secretary of Defense have trenches full of blood on their hands. We have lost the war on terror, because we have consented to be governed by terrorists.
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