Political Cocaine...
is news, whereas financial cocaine is cocaine. Not Larry Sabato is a Dem-leaning blog by and for political junkies, not named after polling guru Larry Sabato in the tradition laid down by luminaries such as Delino Deshields, Marquis Grissom, and (soon, we hope) Ozzie Canseco. The real value of NLS is that it's based at William & Mary in Virginia in the heart of red country, which means that it has a box seat view of the nuttiness of the rank and file of the Young Republicans and College Republicans---these are the folks that over the next ten years will be entering thinktanks and setting off on lucrative careers in lobbying, hack journalism, and advisory positions to Republican politicians. The most personable of the lot will become politicians themselves, and the most capable and/or most unscrupulous, meticulous, and ambitious will be pulling the strings in the administrations of future Republican presidents (which is to say, all future presidents).
So just take a minute to reflect on what fine, upstanding Christian young men and women these precocious lads and lasses have already blossomed into, and reflect on what courageous, resolute, family-oriented, and religiously devout phone-jammers, push-pollsters, schizophrenic gay homophobes, influence-peddlers, demagogues, vote-suppressors, and convicted felons they will one day grow up to be? [What about veterans?--ed. It's true that most military personnel are Republicans, but very few are College Republicans. Which is not surprising. CR's think of service to the party and service to the nation as the same thing, and further can't distinguish between combat operations and junior-level revenge plumbing operations--F.]
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